Let me back up a step here.
I discovered, in with some fabric I was gifted, a whole slough of tangled thick cotton chenille in blue, grey, black, and a grey-green.
Aside from the challenge of untangling it and skeining it up, what should I do with it?!
I have been looking at old paintingsby Paul Klee lately, particularly the ones that are essentially color studies, squares, geometry. I particularly favor the cityscape called 'Domes'.
Also, chenille is cotton, and I want a new bathrobe/kimono.
Now, perhaps you see where I'm going with this. A kimono in particular is a good match with the style of geometric patterns I want to derive from the Klee study, and the colors, although different because I'm not hand-dying anything, but instead relying on what I serendipitously found myself in possession of, but also what's available to buy in order to fill out the pallette... And thanks to a 50% off sale at the (about to move) Woolpack in Littleton, I'm all set now.
Also, thanks to the large needle size involved, it should move along pretty quickly too. Yay!
- Posted from my iPhone...
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