Sunday, August 10, 2008

These hooves look like leaves to me

Spent some time this weekend chez Mum, the two of us sitting in the back yard, in the shade, knitting. My part of the conversation consisted of mumbling numbers and "Slip, knit two together, pass" and "no, no. where was I?"

Some recent revelations include: I apparently knit using a combination of "Eastern" and "Western" techniques, given how I approach knit and purl stitches. If you're interested, this concept is covered in several different books, usually a "history of knitting," and I read about it in a friend's copy of the History of Hand Knitting, although I see that Samurai Knitter discusses it in a thoroughly humorous and instructive manner.

This gets really cute, I now realize, when I follow some of the more interesting patterns, such as the leaf pattern from the Super Stitches stitchionary. Actually, it's called "Horseshoe lace" - but honestly it looks like leaves to me, so I've been using it for a sweater pattern that's in progress.

After a while we decided to head over to the DeCordova to see the 2008 Annual Exhibition, which had some great stuff from people like Mark Schoening and Yana Payusova, Lea Gauthier, whose work deals with food, agriculture and the interaction between people and food through plant growth, and another artist, Niho Kozuru, whose statues were inspired by New England architectural details, but were made from some colorful polymer material that really made me (and other exhibit attendees, I gathered) think of yummy jello... Also, "Moving Through New England" - selections from their permanent collection - some amusing paintings if you're a local, since many were from the 70s. My favorites were "Beach Peas" and an image of the Providence River on a very calm, foggy dawn.

I think my next museum jaunt should be to catch the "Keepers of Tradition" exhibit over at the Museum of Our National Heritage (and hey, it's free, which is never a bad thing.)

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How is that again?

I just found out this morning how to pronounce (knitting pattern designer) Nora Gaughan's name. See, that's the trouble with only ever seeing things online or otherwise in print. I was thinking it was "Gowan," as in Rowan - but, it's not.

It rhymes with 'dawn' - so it's pronounced 'Gon.' I was guessing how it was pronounced, but the owner of one of my awesome LYSs had hosted a book-signing with Ms. Gaughan, so I take her word for it. In addition, thanks to this shop I actually own a signed copy of Knitting Nature (which is itself a pretty cool book).

...and now, I have to go knit.

And for my next trick...

July2408 067, originally uploaded by Margo and George.

I'll figure out how to make an article of clothing using the colors of this vetch.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cinnamon-colored summer cotton sweater

So instead of the wool projects, I've been racing along, working on this one instead. And a baby sweater as well, but I'm keeping that one under wraps until it's time to send it to the new parents. Then I'll post final photos for that project. In the meantime, presuming I don't knit decreases where I should have increases...I hope to finish this little short-sleeved summer cotton/soy sweater (shirt?) done while the warm weather lasts. The yarn is "Sublime" - which the hand of the fabric is, but the not so much. It's worth pointing out that inasmuch as it's wonderful to knit, it is also highly prone to splitting, and it has knot(s) in each and every skein. I'm composing a grumbly letter to the manufacturer on this one. Still, the fabric has a great drape, once you figure out what to do with all those knots.

Too Hot for Wool

hiking sweater, originally uploaded by Margo and George.

I'm so close to being finished with this sweater, and yet even with all the rain, I can't cope with that much wool in my lap during the hot months of summer. It's just too much. Still, by September it will have cooled off enough for me to finish, I think. Just that last little bit of sleeve...